Russ Wolfe - Christmas Rock Living Memorial
On June 26, 2012, the Waldo Canyon fire burned over one hundred thousand trees on the Flying W Ranch. In the aftermath of the fire, the Flying W Ranch Foundation has worked to mitigate the burned land and to plant trees, ranging from saplings to 25-foot tall ponderosa pine trees.
The Flying W Ranch Foundation is creating a special tribute to Russ Wolfe, the co-founder of the Flying W Ranch Chuckwagon Suppers and Original Western Stage Show. The Russ Wolfe-Christmas Rock Living Memorial will honor Russ's memory and legacy by planting trees around Christmas Rock on the Flying W Ranch. Christmas Rock is a landmark at the Flying W Ranch that over the years has been climbed by thousands of people. A tree planted around Christmas Rock will benefit the environment for years into the future and is a fitting tribute to Russ's contribution to the quality of life in Colorado.
The cost of planting a tree depends upon the size and species of the tree, and includes moving the tree, planting the tree, and irrigating the tree for a number of years. The cost of planting and tending a tree can range from $40 for a sapling, to over $2,000 for transplanting a large tree. Contributions made to the Flying W Ranch Foundation for the Russ Wolfe-Christmas Rock Memorial will be used solely for the acquisition and planting of trees around Christmas Rock.
You will receive a letter acknowledging your contribution to the Flying W Ranch Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity.